Normal bowel movement

Some people think that something is wrong with their plumbing unless they have a bowel movement every day.  Truth is, there is no standard definition of what is normal.  In fact, a normal pattern of evacuation can be as little as three times per week or as many as three times per day.

What’s regular?

Less than 3 movements per week may indicate constipation, and more than 3 per day could indicate diarrhea or other conditions.  As long as your stool is not too hard, not too soft, and is comfortable for you, your system is working well.

Individuals vary in the motility of their colons, the speed at which the muscular large intestine moves waste, in an inchworm like motion called peristalsis, to the rectum for elimination.  Your body is slowly taking the nutrients it needs out of the food, and eliminating the waste. This normal process from beginning to end can take one to three days, and can sometimes be accelerated by eating more fibre, drinking plenty of water and getting regular brisk exercise.

What’s normal?

A normal bowel movement is different for each person, as it can vary in size, shape & consistency as well as frequency.  A sudden change in your regular bowel habit, either in frequency, consistency, shape or colour of the stool could be caused by simple changes in your routine.  Travelling, lack of regular exercise, certain medications, and pregnancy can cause changes in bowel habit.

What’s abnormal?

Bloody stools may be an indicator of internal hemorrhoids, yet they may signal more serious intestinal problems.  Whenever blood is present in the stool, it is best to consult your physician. Unusually coloured stools can be simply the result of food additives or indigestible colourings in something you ate.  However, if abnormally coloured stools continue for more than a day or two, or if you have fever, pain or dehydration, your physician should be consulted immediately.

Probiotics, fibre, and chew your food well

In a previous blog, we have looked at a 3 part regimen for a healthy & regular digestive system; a diet including sufficient fiber, foods containing probiotics, and regular activity.  Chew your food well, to stimulate the body’s own enzymes, and keep your body well hydrated with plain unadulterated water, and if your bowel movements are comfortable, don’t worry overly  about the frequency.